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LOVEly flower blogs # 1 - Florésie

Good morning everyone, Today, I want to share a bit of blogosphere love with you. When I visited my first blogging conference and said to my fellow bloggers, that I was writing about interior design and flowers, people looked back at me very surprised: a flower blog? But in the meantime, I met a lot of flower bloggers I admire and can really relate to, online or in real life from all over Europe and the US. I have decided to introduce them to you through a little interview in my new column: LOVEly flower blogs. The first one is a French one called Florésie - poésie means poetry in French - and Laetitia is really creating poetry with flowers. I love her work and I am so grateful I get to meet such lovely and talented people through my blog!

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Who are you and what do you talk about in your blog?

Hello, i’m Laetitia from Florésie, a Swiss floral designer based in France. Florésie was created in 2010 to relate my adventures at the School of Florists in Paris. It has evolved as in the meantime I decided to quit my techie job to live off my passion... flowers! By reading my blog, you’ll find floral DIY for your home, inspiration for wedding flowers, and my own work starting from the flower cutting garden (which i just started this year), going through personal (sometimes very experimental) projects, and to projects realised for my customers.

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Where does your passion for flowers come from?

Honestly, i don’t know. I have the feeling it was always in me, just hiding somewhere in my unconscious mind and waiting for the right time to pop out! Flowers are so beautiful and so fragile at the same time. I love this paradox and the challenge set by the ephemeralness when one wants to design with them... Floresie_for_madame_Love_06_tulips

What inspires you?

Nature first: gardens, wild flower fields, woods... I spend a lot of time observing flowers in the wild, gathering and also growing them in my garden. This makes my work really influenced by the season. And then great floral designers as well, such as Moniek Vanden Berghe, Gregor Lersch or Ariella Chezar... just to name a few.

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What is your favourite flower?

Joker! I’d rather not answer, as i change my mind every day. In general, however, i do prefer garden style and locally grown flowers. I tend not to work with exotic flowers for environmental reasons...

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 Which other flower blogs do you read regularly?

Floret Flower Farm, Saipua, and Sarah Winward for the inspiration. Botanical Brouhaha, and Flowerona for technical aspects, and a general view of what’s going on in the flower world...

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Thank you so much Laetitia for being my first "victim"! I hope I made curious about Laetitia's blog. You can also like her Facebook page or follow Florésie on Bloglovin, in order to be regularly updated with her new bouquets.

I wish you all a great week-end, and don't forget to buy some flowers! xoxo Elodie

© Photos Florésie 2013. Tout droit réservé.

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