Good morning! Our #2flowergirls action for June is starting next week on Tuesday. Inga and I announced last week on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that this month's flower will be the peony and we are very excited about it! I think of it as a very photogenic flower that can be styled in many different ways that looks fantastic alone or as a huge bouquet or even as a flower crown. We are very happy about the participation, the enthusiasm around the project, and the wonderful blogposts that have been submitted so far for the ranunculus and the hortensia edition - and I am personally very happy I met Inga through her lovely blog glomerylane and that we are doing this project together.
I made a little collage for you, to show you some of the photos that have been posted on all those beautiful blogs or on Instagram. You can have a look at all the photos on our Pinterest board.
From left to right and from top to bottom:
Ashley from the blog Nord & Süd - posted on Instagram: @ashleysued
Igor from happy interior blog - posted on Instagram @igorjosif
Kathrin from happy home blog
From left to right and from top to bottom:
Sandra Wild (without blog)
posted on Instagram @41sommersprossen
Julia von Junifaden
Eva von Emil und die grossen Schwestern
From left to right and from top to bottom:
Clara von tastesheriff
Katharina von Katharina kocht
Sabine von Azur Weiss
From left to right and from top to bottom:
Miriam from Miris Jahrbuch
Judith from Joelix
Susanne von Serendipity made with love
From left to right and from top to bottom: Julia from Junifaden Katharina from Katharina kocht Jule from Jules kleines Freundenhaus
I hope to also see your flowers for the peonies edition in June! Have a nice day and a stressless end of the week - and.... don't forget to buy yourself flowers! Elodie