Hello everyone,
I met Juliane at the Hive Conference in Berlin last May and spent a lovely Saturday evening chatting with her and a few other girls.
Juliane is German and was born in Berlin, but now she lives in the Swedish countryside.
She is a puppeteer by profession (she studied puppetry/ performing arts in Berlin), and she has been making dolls for children since 2009.
She doesn't have a driver's license, that is why she walks a lot, which makes it much easier for picking flowers. She shares her beautiful creations and DIY tutorials on her blog
Fröken Skicklig.
I started following Juliane on
Instagram after we met in Berlin, and that's how I discovered her lovely
#onebouquetaday project. I like it so much that I wanted to share it with you on my blog. So there you go - here are a few words from Juliane, explaining her
#onebouquetperday project, and her creative way to use Instagram in order to feel more at home in her new surroundings through flowers.
I love how she presents her bouquets and I love the fact that you usually also see the pretty flowery pattern on her dress in the background.

I started with Instagram about two months ago. I have spent very little time online and entertained quite a few doubts whether yet another virtual channel would be wise or not. I am not the sort of person who feels the need to blog every day about what I am wearing or to instagram photos of umpteen bowls with cereals and latte macchiato glasses.
I find it hard to resist picking flowers when we are outside, a habit I inherited from my mother, I guess. She is a passionate gardener, and her hands are never idle, she finds flowers everywhere, in the forest or on a dump in the middle of Berlin. As a child, I often found it embarrassing that she would pick lavender in abandoned allotment gardens or weeds in a city park to arrange in vases on almost every window sill and table at home. But as with so many other habits of your parents, you too end up doing the same once you reach a certain age (I am 35 years old, still plenty of years to fill with funny habits...)
We have recently moved to a new place, an old farmhouse from 1850, deep in the forest in Skåne, Southern Sweden. The garden is overgrown, and it will take some time until my flower beds are in full bloom. I take lots of walks to get to know the surroundings and pick flowers on my strolls through the woods and the fields. Taking a photo every day of the bouquet I have picked makes it easier for me to call this new place our home. It also helps me to share some of the excitement and all the new impressions with my family in Germany. A few others have started to use the hash tag #onebouquetperday which is really nice. There is a Norwegian girl who shares her daily bouquets on Instagram as well, and we find it so interesting to see what the two of us pick the same day, Elisa on her strolls through the bleak landscape in the mountains, and me on my strolls through the woods here in Skåne. Time passes so quickly and it does me good to have these moments of contemplation and quiet, to pick flowers, to take a photo and to enjoy the colours and scents. I love to see the seasons of the year changing, the first wood anemones were showing their white heads and rosy cheeks when we arrived, and I am already looking forward to seeing them again next year.

I am amazed with the variety of flowers Juliane could find around her house. That makes me want to move to Sweden!
Here are some examples of what she found: field scabious, lupine, bellflower, meadowsweet, sea aster, black horehound, dame's rocket, pearlwort, yellow loosestrife, phlox, bugle, pelargonium, lemon balm, aconite, foxglove, raspberry twigs, red elderberry....
Dear Juliane, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your lovely flowers with us today.
I wish you all a beautiful day!
All pictures © by Juliane Strittmatter