Hello everyone!
I am back from Umbria, with a lot of impressions and over 1,000 pictures. I will show you some soon on the blog. I am very happy to introduce a new Lovely Flower Blog today. I discovered Nikki and Andy Shenk on Instagram last May and love her story and how her dream came true. I also love the fact that have been inspired and motivated by blogs and Instagram to start their floral business.
Who are you and what are you talking about in your blog?
We’re a wife-husband duo, Nikki and Andy Shenk, that fell in love with flowers and decided to start our own business, Linger Flowers, in Cincinnati, Ohio. We focus on weddings, holidays and classes. Andy is a writer, so he runs the blog, where he features both the work we do, as well as other elements of the business and our personal life.
Our name, Linger, is very significant to me and Andy and we try to capture our philosophy of savoring each moment in the day through the blog. Flowers, especially, help both of us to linger and appreciate the beauty in our life, which is what we hope to share with our community, whether that be online or in Cincinnati.
Where does your passion for flowers come from?
I never imagined I would be a florist when I graduated from college, but after a few years I realized that I was very drawn to floral art—wedding invitations, dresses, paintings—and wanted nothing more than to create those same beautiful designs with my own hands and with real flowers. Flower blogs and Instagram also played a big role in my decision to become a florist. I had never known just how artistic and creative florists could be until I started following them on Instagram. Now, when I look back, it makes sense. My mom was a flower enthusiast and I loved to admire her pretty blooms from the garden, as well as the arrangements she would buy from the florist. And I always loved art in school—I just never thought that it was a viable career option and didn’t connect the dots to becoming a florist.
What inspires you?
I feel my most alive when I’m surrounded by buckets of blooms and foliage and have all afternoon to craft a new design. It’s intoxicating to be able to create beauty with fresh green stems and tender blooms. I love how flowers feel in my hands and the way that they brighten and fill a room, especially when the light is just right.
What is your favorite flower?
Hellebores are my favorite, because the colors are so perfect. When I’m feeling wild, though, I go for fritillaria. And I have a major crush on poppies, since I couldn’t get them while Andy and I lived in Russia, where they are illegal!
Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly?
Of florist blogs, Saipua is my favorite. In addition to being an incredible florist, Sarah Ryhanen is an exquisite writer. My other must-reads are Floret Flowers and Rosegolden Flowers. On Instagram, there are so many talented florists. My biggest obsessions right now would have to be Tinge, BRRCH, Twigss, Honey of a Thousand Flowers and McKenzie Powell.
Thank you so much guys for sharing your story with us!
© pictures by LingerFlowers