claire forlani

Lovely flower blogs #6: Roses by Claire

Hello everyone,
After a little break, I am back with a new interview from my Lovely flower blogs series. It is already the 6th one and I am very happy to welcome another of my compatriots on the blog today. The lovely Claire from the blog roses by claire. I am really in love with her delicate work and pastel colours. Her work makes me think of this beautiful song from Bjork: subtle and happy!
I am glad Claire agreed to answer a couple of questions about the origin of her passion for flowers and her inspiration. I hope you enjoy it!

Talk to you soon,

Roses-By-Claire-Bouquet-Colorfull1. Who are you and what do you talk about in your blog?

Hi, I’m Claire, a young French Florist based in Paris, France. I have worked as a freelance florist since May 2012. I created Roses By Claire, my personal work blog, while I studied at florist's school, to show my work and also because I really love taking photographs.
My blog talks about my work as a florist, shows my bouquets, floral crowns, inspiration and some DIY.

© Studio Menesson

2. Where does your passion for flowers come from?

Probably from my beloved grandfather. When I was a child, I remember his amazing garden with so many different flowers, smells and colours; I was fascinated and I loved smelling and seeing all the flowers every morning. My step-mother has also been a florist for 18 years and I really loved watching her when she worked. I also helped her at the flower shop. Three years ago it was therefore obvious: I REALLY wanted & needed to be a florist.



3. What inspires you?

Everything. The most, I guess, is the feelings, the colours, textures and the forms, an emotion, fashion, my family, and music is a big part of my inspiration. I can't work without music, in fact.


4. What is your favourite flower?

Ahhh! You torture me! ahah Probably, the rose for all the different crazy perfumes, varieties & colours.



5. Which other flower blogs do you read regularly?

Well, I read
Jo Flowers Blog, she is an amazing artist and I really appreciate her work.
Un Beau Jour, I love this website so much, it's beautiful and a big inspiration for me.
Style Me Pretty, is also a big inspiration for me.
I follow my lovely colleague Poppy Figue !

You can also find roses by Claire here:


Thank you so much Claire for taking the time to answer my questions!

Pictures: © Roses by ClaireStudio Menesson & Marylin Mugot