
Blue variation

Hello everyone, I gave a little dinner party last Saturday, and it's always the occasion for me to pimp my flat with some fresh cut flowers. When I was on the market, I bought some blue flowers. I decided not to mix them, but to make three different bouquet and display them on different spots of the flat. Here is the result. I hope you will enjoy it. Which one do you prefer? Myosotis, delphinium or hortensia? Speak to you soon!

xxx Elodie blue_variation_by_madame_love_the_flowers








rhapsody in blue

  I don't only love peonies - no I also love delphiniums - the blue beauties. I had another improvised photo shooting in my kitchen yesterday after a visit so to the flower shop - with a little furry visitor. Let's see if you manage to spot him in the pictures. I love using different sizes of vases from very small to very big. I think the flowers look like they directly come out of a fairy tale - I think they look like the hat of a very little magician. But that's probably only my imagination...


Je n'ai pas qu'une passion pour les pivoines, j'adore aussi les delphiniums. J'ai encore organisé un photo shooting improvisé dans ma cuisine hier après une petite visite chez le fleuriste - et j'ai eu une petite visite de mon petit ami poilu. On va voir si vous arrivez à le repérer sur les photos. J'aime utiliser des vases de différentes tailles pour créer un décor. J'ai toujours l'impression que les fleurs de delphinium sortent directement d'un conte de fée - Je trouve qu'elles ressemblent au chapeau d'un tout petit magicien. Mais j'ai peut-être trop d'imagination...

delphinium bouquet (c) madamelove

(c) madamelove