madame love loves: Lieschen Müller

  Good morning! Today I am back with a new crush for the madame love loves series. You know I love doudous and soft sculptures. Being the mum of a little girl, probably doesn't help! I have been a fan for a long time of the work of German doll maker Lieschen Müller. Her real name is Annelise Müller and I love her creatures. At the moment, she is not selling her dolls on her website but you can still purchase the doll patterns as PDF files. I just bought this pattern, and I will be showing the work in progress on Instagram as soon as I get started. I haven't been doing much sewing lately, just a little pouched for my friend Clara's babyshower. Now Ella is getting a little older, I really feel the need to be a little bit more creative in my everyday life. What about you? Don't you think Lieschen Müller's little creatures are very poetic and pretty? I wish you all a great day!

For regular updates, follow madame love on Bloglovin and Facebook

bouquet of mini roses, globe amaranth and black berries


bouquet_globe_amaranth_mini_roses Good morning everyone! I hope you had a lovely Monday. After a bit of a rough few weeks, I am feeling better and I when I feel good, I like to be surrounded by flowers. I made this little bouquet a few days ago, with some beauties I found in one of my favourite flower shops. I think they work really well together because:

1- the blooms are all roughly the same size. 2- the colour palette is very elegant, from pink to dark blue. 3- It's always a good idea to mix fruits or vegetables in your bouquet, to make it visually interesting.

Voila! I hope that you will find this bouquet inspiring and that it will bring you a little bit of happiness too! Have a great day and talk to you soon, Elodie






Roses of Picardy

basket_of_roses Hello everyone! I haven't been posting that much as I am going through quite a lot at the moment. Among other things, I started working again recently and Little Miss Ella started going to the Kindergarden. All is well, and we managed a complete week without bringing any germs home! Let's hope we are heading to another successful week. I was browsing through my pictures yesterday and I realised, that they are still a lot of flower pictures from my French holiday, I haven't shown you so far. Those pictures are roses pictures. I took in my parent's garden in the region called Picardy. rosesMy home region is well known for its roses that have been sung by Mr. Frank Sinatra for instance, and my mum's garden is full of them!

Roses are shining in Picardy,
In the hush of the silver dew,
Roses are flow'ring in Picardy,
But there's never a rose like you!
And the roses will die with the summertime,
And our roads may be far apart,
But there's one rose that dies not in Picardy,
'Tis the rose that I keep in my heart.

roses_from_the_gradenwild_rosespile_of_rosesBouquet_of_roses_madame_loveI hope that you like roses as much as I do and wish you a great start in this new week! xoxo Your Elodie

Vase Story: Badeteich from Räder

Badeteich_from_Räder_overview Hello everyone! I have been making bouquets in this vase for a while now, but never found the time to take pictures for the blog. I found this one so lovely that I had to share it with you.  First, I would like to say a couple of words about the vase. This middle size vase is from the German decoration firm Räder and is called Badeteich {swimming pond} {€ 24.95} and as you can see, there is a little swimmer looking out of the vase. I love the fact that you can tell a new story with each bouquet, by creating the surprise of having a little woman hidden in the vegetation of your bouquet. The little golden fish printed on the vase are also very cute.

For this bouquet, I used:

  • Scabiosa
  • Clematis
  • and Wild Asparagus

I hope you enjoy it! I wish you all a great day Elodie





PS: I would like to thank Räder for sending me this beautiful vase. 

A tall bouquet of lilies and delphiniums and a floral give away


lilies_delphinium_wide_shot Today I am writing this post in German in combination with a give away open to my German readers only. {see English version below} 

Hallo Ihr Lieben!

Heute gehe ich mit diesem Strauß aus meiner Komfortzone raus. Ich gehe von mini auf maxi, von klein und süß, auf groß und elegant. Als die Initiative Toll was Blumen machen mich fragte, mich einen Strauß mit Lilien zu überlegen, war ich mir nicht sicher, ob es gut zu mir passt. Das ist das erste Mal, dass ich einen Strauß mit Lilien für madame love mache. Ich habe dann nachgedacht und es wurde mir klar, dass es ganz toll aussehen würde, wenn ich die Lilien mit anderen Blumen mit langen Stielen kombinieren würde. Ich habe mich für blauen Rittersporn in Kombination mit den weissen Lilien entschieden.  Ich mag es, raffinierte und edle Blumen mit etwas ländlichere Blumen zu kombinieren. Ich mag auch den Kontrast zwischen den grossen Lilien Blüten und den kleinen Blüten vom Rittersporn.

Hier sind ein paar Tipps, wenn Ihr einen Strauß mit Lilien zu Hause machen wollt:

1- Sucht euch eine große und stabile Vase aus, da die Lilien schwere Blumen sind. 2- Kombiniert Lilien mit anderen langen Blumen. 3- Entfernt so viel von den unteren Blättern wie möglich.

Für das Gewinnspiel siehe unten. lillies_bouquet

Hello everyone!

Today I am going out of my comfort zone. I am going from mini to maxi, from miniature and precious to tall and elegant blooms. As Toll was Blumen machen asked me to imagine a bouquet with lilies,  I was not really convinced that it would fit my blog and my style.  It is the first time I have worked with lilies for the blog. I had a closer look at them, and it was clear to me that I had to combine them with another tall and elegant type of flower. I chose pale blue delphiniums to go with my white lilies. I liked mixing a more sophisticated flower with a more rural and simpler one. I also like the contrast between the big blooms of the lilies and the small blooms of the delphinium.

Here are some tips if you want to make a bouquet with lilies:

1- Pick a solid vase that can carry the weight of your lilies, as they are quite heavy flowers. 2- Combine your lilies with other tall flowers. 3- Cut as many leaves from the bottom as you can. 


lilies_delphiniums_give away.jpg

Die Lilie ist nicht nur auf meinem Blog im Juni zur Gast, sondern ist auch die ausgesuchte Blume des Monats für den Blumenkalender von Toll was Blumen machen und Ihr habt die Möglichkeit eins von zehn Lilienbouquets inkl. Lieferung jetzt zu gewinnenDafür musst Ihr mir nur im Kommentarfeld Eure Lieblingslilienfarbe verraten und zwar bis Sonntag, den 29.06.2014 - 23:59. Dann wissen wir direkt, in welcher Farbe wir sie Euch schicken können. Solltet Ihr einen Strauß gewinnen, bin Ich schon gespannt zu sehen, was Ihr damit macht, wenn Ihr Eure Fotos mit dem Hashtag #tollwasblumenmachen auf Instagram und Twitter postet. 

Spielregeln: • Die Teilnahme ist nur unter Angabe einer gültigen E-Mail-Adresse von volljährigen, natürlichen Personen mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland möglich bis Sonntag den 29.06.2014. • Die 10 Gewinner werden per Zufallsauswahl bestimmt und von mir binnen drei Tagen unter der angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse informiert.

Viel Glück! Viele Grüße Ihr Lieben! Elodie

PS: Dieser Beitrag ist in Zusammenarbeit mit entstanden lilies_from_above

Vase Story: My Vietjar from Tine k home

Vietnamese_Jar_Tinekhome Good Morning everyone!

Today I would like to show you one of my favourite vase: My VIETJAR from the Danish brand Tinekhome. This vase is an old, unique jar from the Vietnamese rivers, made out of clay. Each one is unique and different and you can buy them in three different sizes from XS to XL. They cost between 20 € and 71 €.  They are very rough and irregular, and that's what make them so beautiful and special, especially if you want to make a bouquet with a still life touch.  As the vases are not enameled on the inside nor on the outside, I advise to put a little glass recipient in the vase before you put some water in the vase, in order to prevent it from licking.  I use baby jars as they fit perfectly. Tinekhome is a brand that I really like, and this vase is also on my wish list. I bought this black one, along with my Vietjar in a fabulous interior shop in Hamburg called Eden Living. I wish you a great day! Talk to you soon Elodie




Lovely flower DIY: Using a Kenzan for a shallow vase

kenzan bouquet peonies Hello everyone!  Today I would like to start a new column and show you some simple tricks to make nicer bouquets at home. The first trick I would like to show you today comes from Japan and is primarily used for the traditional Japanese floral arrangements called Ikebana.  kenzan, also called spiky frog or flower frog is a specific metallic device used for fixing the flowers in the container. It consists of a heavy lead plate with erected brass needles where the stems are fixed. You can find them on amazon for example and they cost between 3 and 30 € depending on their size.  A kenzan is perfect for arranging bouquets in shallow vases such as bowls or small pedestal vases. It helps keeping flowers with very short stems in the water.  It is a very nice to arrange flowers on a table for dinner party for example, so that you can for instance see the person sitting in front of you. It also works very well if you want to create a vignette on a table in living room. For this bouquet, I decided to mix peonies with garden roses, as I think that they really work well together. Kenzan_what_you_will_need

Your bouquet step by step: 1- Place the Kenzan at the bottom of the vase and fill the vase with water. 2- Cut the stems very short and take out almost all the leaves. 3- Pick the flowers one by one in the vase, so that the bouquet is pleasant to look from all sides. (especially if it is for a table centre). Kenzan in vasekenzan bouquetkenzan bouquet roses

shallow bouquet with kenzan

So that's it for today people! I hope you liked this little floral DIY and that you will get yourself a little kenzan for your next bouquet. Have a great day! Elodie

Lovely flower blog #9: Twig and Twine

Big_Betty_22 copy Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice long week end if Monday was a bank holiday in your country. I am back today with a new interview from my series Lovely Flower Blogs. I was so delighted when the very talented, Los Angeles based floral and event designer Heather Williams from the blog Twig & Twine, accepted to take part and answer some questions for you. I first discovered her work on Instagram. I love her choice of flowers, the way she works with foliage and her vision about her work as a florist: "I like to remind people that I am a designer and that flowers/foliage are my medium. I create using the principles of design I just happen to use something that was once growing in the ground." So true! If you want to read the interview and see some gorgeous pictures of Heather work - click on the "read more" button.  Speak to you very soon! Elodie

Christina McNeill

 Who are you and what are you talking about in your blog?

Heather Williams, owner of Twig & Twine…both a floral design studio focusing on weddings and events as well as a retail flower and gift shop. My blog showcases my wedding work for the most part. I'm not a hugely active blogger. I find it a good place to post weddings that aren't up to snuff for my portfolio as well as where I can highlight other things like workshops that I have going on.

Heather1 copy

Where does your passion for flowers come from?

I sort of fell into floristry but it was a jump that made sense in a lot of ways. I grew up with a mother and grandmother who are active gardeners. There were always flowers in the yards that I played in during my youth. I studied fine art and design in college and pursued a bit of that but on a whim was asked to work at a flower shop. I took the job and it was a fairly easy transition for me since I was somewhat aware of the flowers names and their seasons. Additionally my background in the arts helped with the design portion of being a florist. I think a lot of people assume I am a gardener and ask for advice on how to keep their plants alive. I'm far from a good gardener. I like to remind people that I am a designer and that flowers/foliage are my medium. I create using the principles of design I just happen to use something that was once growing in the ground.

RedFloralsbyTwig&Twine_PhotosbyBryceCovey019 copy

What inspires you? Color. The seasons.

What is your favorite flower? I can't choose just one. There are far too many beauties that bloom at different times of the year to choose a single item. Ranunculus are one of my favorites. Hellebores too. And who doesn't love a peony. I will say that I am partial to spring flowers though. Such a wonderful time of year for blooms.

anree_scott_wedding24 copy

 Which other flower blogs are you reading regularly? I actually prefer Instagram over blogs these days. It's such a quick translation of images and information. Us florists are lucky enough to have a product and end result that can thrive in a forum like IG. I follow a ton of florists. Some of my favorites are Moon Canyon Natalie Bowen Designs Nicolette Camille Catalina Neal (of L&S Design Co) Bows and Arrows….there's so many.

Mimi&Alan-LeoEvidentePhotographers999 copy

Find Heather also there:

Website Blog Twitter Instagram Facebook

A lovely bouquet from the forest

flowers form the forest_2 Hello! Here is a little bouquet I kept for you as a little holiday souvenir. I made it during an evening walk in the Jura with my husband, while Ella was already asleep and my parents in law looking after her.  Everytime I went for a walk, I decided on a colour - I love monochrome bouquets - or on a a combination of colours. I love blue and yellow together. My mum's favourite colours.  This bouquet is made of:

  • Buttercup
  • Veronica
  • Edelflower
  • Colombine
  • Daisiy

flowers form the forest_3flowers form the forestI wish you all a splendid day! Elodie

#flowersonmyway in May



from left to right and from top to bottom: @pinkepanki//@sarah1703//

Hello everyone! I am back from my little lunch in the park, as the weather was threatening to get nasty, and I thought I would take some time to write my long overdue post with the winners of #flowersonmyway for May. I am so happy that more than 500 pictures have already been posted since I started the project a few Month ago, with contributions from all over the world. That's one of the reasons why I really love Instagram - It is a true international platform, where almost everyone writes in English, and I love following the daily life of creative people in Korea, the USA or France and see which flower is passing their way right now. I was very happy to see so many poppies, peonies and roses this month! The winners are welcome to send me their postal address to this email address:, if they want to receive some snail mail from me. I wish you a great day tomorrow! Elodie

garden tour


double_aquilegia_in_the_garden_8 Hello dear flower friends, I hope you are all doing well. I am back from my long holiday in France with a lot of memories and a lot of new experiences for my little Ella: first ice cream, first long walk in the forest, first ride in a horse drawn carriage, first swim in a swimming pool... I enjoyed so much seeing my family and my friends and spending time in Provence and Paris. I also took the opportunity to spend as much as I could in the nature and in the garden. Today I would like to show you some pictures I took in the garden of my mother in law.  I am especially in love with the double aquilegia and the myosotis. I love the contrasting colours and the interesting shape of the aquilegia makes it super interesting to photograph. I wish you a great day! Elodie






pastel bouquet from the garden


bouquet from above Good morning, I am really happy about how this bouquet turned out. I made it two days ago, just after a rain shower, only with flowers and plant from the garden. I love the colour palette and how some of the flowers are already a bit faded but still beautiful such as the lilac: perfect imperfection!  As it was just after the rain, I discovered a little snail climbing on  a branch of lilac. I left it on the bouquet as an homage to the flower paintings of the great Flemish masters.  I wish you all a great and sunny day! Elodie

For this bouquet, I used some:

  • Eden roses
  • Aquilegia
  • Heather
  • Ivy
  • Lilac
  • Fern

fern leaf in a pink bouquet

heather and aquilegia

eden roses

inside the bouquet



snail on lilac

Roses and Hellebores from the garden in a blue vase


  Hello everyone! New day means new bouquet for my #onebouquetperday challenge initiated by Juliane from the frokenskicklig. You can see my bouquets so far here, here and there and also on Instagram of course. Today's bouquet is really my kind of bouquets: simple and a little bit wild, in a very rustic vessel. I love the imperfection of the garden roses and the beautiful shades of the hellebore. See you tomorrow with some more flowers! Elodie

roses and hellebores from above


A bouquet of Clematis and Aquilegia

clematis_aquilegia Hello everyone! Just a short post to show you my bouquet today from the #onebouquetperday series while I am in France. Today I decided to make a bouquet with some clematis and a couple of aquilegia in the same shade of pink. I hope you will like them. They don't last very long in a vase, but I still like them very much. See you tomorrow for the next flowers from my parents garden. I might show you some more Pierre de Ronsard roses before the end of the week as they are just gorgeous at the moment. Have a great day! Elodie




roses and peonies


peonies and roses bouquet Hello everyone, The good thing with the rain outside, is that the garden is gorgeous! So many shades of green and the flowers are blooming everywhere. I can't stop making bouquets. As soon as Ella is having a nap and it's not raining, I am out in the garden making bouquets. Oh my god, how much I wish it could be my job someday. If it happens, I would really love to do wedding decoration with wild flowers and blooms from the garden. Today's bouquet is everything but wild. Roses and peonies from white to bright pink in a precious lalique vase. My favourite rose is the pink, climbing Eden rose, that we also call Pierre de Ronsard in France. This bouquet would be perfect for a pastel wedding. What do you think? bouquet of roses in the gardenroses and peoniesThis will also be my bouquet for the #onebouquetperday Challenge on Instagram. Have a great day everyone and see you tomorrow with my new bouquet. Same garden, totally different style. Bisous de France, Elodie

From the garden with love

from the garden_5Hello everyone!I am in France now for the next three weeks, spending time with my family and enjoying some time off with little miss Ella. I am participating in Juliane's Instagram Challenge #onebouquetperday and will be posting my bouquets mainly on Instagram, but also from times to times on the blog. For this bouquet, I used mainly some Aquilegia and some thyme from the garden. Today, you can also read me on the Backbube's blog for a little blogpost in German about decorating your flat like in the film Amelie. I wish you all a great day full of flowers! Elodie from the garden_from the garden_from the garden_from the garden_4from the gardenfrom the garden_6

A bouquet of globe flowers

Trollius_by_madame_love_1 Hello! The other day, I bought those beautiful flowers for the first time. They are called Trollius, or globe flowers, because of the beautiful shape of their petals, curved over the top of the flower, forming a globe. The petals are bright yellow and the pistil orange. I think they are really happy flowers and look fantastic in a contrasting blue vase. They are closely related to ranunculus and their leaves look really like those of an anemone.  If you find them in a shop, don't hesitate to buy them, they don't just look pretty, they also last pretty long in a vase.


I wish you all a great day! I am flying to France on Saturday. You can follow my adventures on Instagram and I will also be posting my bouquets from the garden and the forest on the blog regularly. xoxo Elodie